Our mission at Central United Methodist Church is

to create a place of belonging centered in Jesus.

sunday schedule

 - Sunday School for All ages at 9:00 am

- In-Person Worship at 10:30 am and Live Streamed Worship on our Facebook page and website at 10:30 am

Has your life been turned upside down? Are you struggling with divorce, death of a loved one, long term illness of a loved one, depression, moving to a strange city, or overwhelming decisions?

A Stephen Minister will provide a shoulder to lean on, a prayer for peace and understanding, a listening ear, and a confidential friend.

For a trained Stephen Minister to walk with you and help you find your way with God's love and help, call the church office (254)420-2862.

Church Office Hours

Monday - Thursday

10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Closed Friday-Sunday