Offering the love of Jesus around Waco
Central United Methodist Church is a proud supporter of Mission Waco. We regularly serve breakfast at Church Under the Bridge.
Central is an Adopt-a-School Partner with Kendrick Elementary School (Waco ISD) providing reading buddies, backpacks, and school supplies.
Through the Hangar under the 17th Street bridge, Central provides mosquito spray, socks, hats, and other items to our neighbors who sleep outside.
"Neighbor Bags" are available to give to our neighbors in need at the intersections of Waco as a way to express Jesus' command to love our neighbors as ourselves.
Central continually collects new stuffed animals for the Chaplain's office of BSW Hillcrest Hospital to give to children.
Central also continually collects canned goods and non-perishable food for the Caritas Food Pantry, gently used clothing is also collected to help provide funds for Caritas at their Hidden Treasures location, and small (8 oz.) bottles or boxes of juice are collected for Waco ISD's Pack of Hope.
Watch the weekly Newsletter Email and the announcements in church for updates and new ways we can offer Jesus to our neighbors.