Following JEsus -

A Pathway to Discipleship

Discipleship is a life long journey toward becoming like Jesus Christ.  Throughout the Gospel, it is clear that Jesus expects those who wish to follow him to become one of his disciples – to bear the cross with him – to go beyond just wearing a uniform to actually getting in the game. Here at Central United Methodist Church, we want to invite everyone to do just that - to make a commitment to serve God and become a disciple of Jesus Christ. We believe that this is a call to Love God, Love People and Serve the World. Jesus said, “My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples.” (John 15:8) We walk this pathway by the way we Grow, Give, and Serve …because of Jesus.

Why we Grow…

The path of discipleship at Central UMC is first a call to Grow in our knowledge of, love of and relationship with God through Christ. This is available through regular attendance to worship on Sunday mornings, participating in small groups during Sunday School (9:00am Sunday mornings), and studying the word of God in various Bible studies including during the Wednesday Word, and more. Jesus said, "If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples..." John 8:31

            because of Jesus

Why we give...

The second element of "bearing good fruit" is a call to Give sacrificially to God based on our gratitude for the love given to us by God through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. One way to live out this type of selfless giving is through the giving of our financial resources for the building and growing of God's kingdom on earth through the work of this church. These on-going ministries include stuffed animals to SBW Hillcrest Hospital, canned goods to Caritas, bottled water to Waco ISD, mosquito spray to the Hangar and more.  Other ways to give thanks to God is by the giving of the gifts and talents God has given to us. At Central UMC, this means participating in our music ministry, leading/teaching a small group, and praying regularly for the mission of this church. Scripture calls us to give the "first fruits" of our labor to God, not what is left over. Jesus said, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son..." John 3:16

            because of Jesus

Why we serve...

Finally, but in no way last, it is a call to Serve and love one another as Jesus served and loved one another. This means we need ways to serve our community. At Central UMC, we will help connect you to opportunities to volunteer in various local ministries, read with children at Kendrick Elementary School, give out Neighbor Bags to our neighbors on the streets, volunteer at My Brothers Keeper homeless shelter and more. We also encourage you to find new ways for you or our church to offer the love of Jesus to our neighbors. Jesus said, "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13:35

           because of Jesus